Saturday, April 24, 2010

Glossary of military abbreviations

China Product
China Product

List of terms, acronyms, information, related to modern armour, artillery, infantry, weapons, and related military subject matter.

Contents beveled glass window

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z tempered glass shelf

A acid etched glass

AA anti-aircraft

AAA anti-aircraft artillery "Triple A"

AAAV Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle

AAD Armoured Amphibious Dozer

AAG Anti-aircraft gun

AAK Appliqu Armor Kit (US)

AAN Army After Next

AAPC Advanced Armoured Personnel Carrier (Turkey)

AARADCOM Army Armament Research and Development Command

AAV Amphibious Assault Vehicle

AB Air Burst

ABC Atomic, Biological, Chemical (replaced by chemical, biological, radiological (CBR), and nuclear, biological, chemical (NBC))

ABC Automatic Brightness Control

AB(C) Aviation Battalion (Combat)

ABIT Advanced Built-In Test

ABM Air Bursting Munition

ABM Anti-ballistic missile

ABMS Air Bursting Munition System

ABRO Army Base Repair Organisation

ABS Aww-Busting System

ABS Anti-skid Braking System

ABSV Armoured Battlegroup Support Vehicle

A/C Aircraft commander

AC Alternating current

ACA Ammunition Container Assembly

ACAVP Advanced Composite Armoured Vehicle Platform (UK)

ACCE Abrams/Crusader Common Engine

ACCV Armored Cavalry Cannon Vehicle (US)

ACE Armored Combat Earthmover (US)

ACH Advanced Combat Helmet (MICH TC-2000 Combat Helmet)

ACLOS Automatic Command to Line of Sight

ACOG Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight

ACP Automatic Colt Pistol

ACR Advanced Combat Rifle

ACR Armored Cavalry Regiment

ACRV Armoured Command and Reconnaissance Vehicle

ACS Artillery Communications System

ACU Army Combat Uniform

ACV Aardvark Cleaning Vehicle (US)

ACV Armoured Combat Vehicle

ACVT Armored Combat Vehicle Technology Program (US)

ADA Air Defense Artillery

ADAM Area Denial Artillery Munition

ADAMS Air Defense Advanced Mobile System (US)

ADATS Air Defence Anti-Tank System

ADC-A Assistant Division Commander - Fire and Maneuver

ADC-B Assistant Division Commander - Combat Support

ADEA Army Development and Employment Agency

ADI Australian Defence Industries

AE Action Express

AEF Allied Expeditionary Force

AEV armoured engineer vehicle

AF air force

AFA/ARA Aerial Field Artillery/Aerial Rocket Artillery (USA, Vietnam war era Attack Helicopter Batteries employing 2.75 in. FFAR)

AFARV Armored, Forward Area, Re-arm Vehicle (US)

AFAS Advanced Field Artillery System

AFC Australian Flying Corps

AFCS Automatic Fire-Control Systems

AFD automatic feeding device

AFSC Air Force Specialty Code

AFSV Armoured Fire Support Vehicle

AFV Armored Family of Vehicles (US)

AFV armoured fighting vehicle

AGC Automatic Gain Control

AGF Army Ground Forces

AGL above ground level

AGL Automatic Grenade Launcher

AGLS Automatic Gun Laying System

AGS Armored Gun System (US)

AGV Assault Gun Vehicle

AGVT Advanced Ground Vehicle Technology

Ah ampere hour

AHC Attack Helicopter Company (USA)

AICS Accuracy International Chassis System

AICW Advanced Individual Combat Weapon

AIF Australian Imperial Force (Australia, WWI

AIFS Advanced Indirect Fire System

AIFV armoured infantry fighting vehicle

AIPS Advanced Integrated Propulsion System (US)

ALAAVS Advanced Light Armored/Amphibious Vehicle System (US)

ALC Advanced Land Combat (US)

ALICE All-Purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment

ALS Advanced Laying System

ALSV Armoured Logistics Support Vehicle

ALT Armoured Launching Turret

AMC United States Army Materiel Command

AMC Advanced Mortar Carrier (Turkey)

AMCCOM Armament Munitions and Chemical Command

AMDS Anti-Missile Discarding Sabot

AMF Amphibische Mehrzweck-Fahrzeuge (multipurpose amphibious vehicle)

AML Automitrailleuse Lgre (light armoured car)

AMLCD Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display

AMOS Advanced Mortar System

AMR Anti-materiel rifle

AMR Automitrailleuse de Reconnaissance

AMRWS Advanced Multi-Role Weapon Station

AMS Armoured Mortar System

AMS-H Advanced Missile System - Heavy

AMX Atelier de Construction d'Issy-les-Moulineaux

ANAD Anniston Army Depot

ANZAC Australia and New Zealand Army Corps

ANZUS Australia New Zealand United States Treaty

AOI Arab Organisation for Industrialisation

AOS add-on stabilisation

AP Anti-Personnel

AP armour-piercing

APAM anti-personnel, anti-matriel

APBC armour-piercing ballistic cap

APC armoured personnel carrier

APC armour-piercing capped

APCBC armour-piercing capped ballistic cap

APC-T armour-piercing capped - tracer

APCT-BF armour-piercing capped tracer - base fuze

APCNR armour-piercing composite non-rigid

APCR armour-piercing composite rigid

APCRBC armour-piercing composite rigid ballistic cap

APDS armour-piercing discarding sabot

APDS-T armour-piercing discarding sabot - tracer

APE Amphibisches Pionier-Erkundungsfahrzeug (amphibious front-line reconnaissance vehicle)

APEP Armour-Piercing Enhancement Programme

APERS anti-personnel

APERS-T anti-personnel tracer

APFIDS armour-piercing fragmentation incendiary discarding sabot

APFSDS-T armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot - tracer

'APFSDS(P) armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot (practice)

APFSDSDU Armour Piercing Fin-Stabilised Discarding Sabot, Depleted Uranium

APG Aberdeen Proving Grounds

APGM Autonomous Precision-Guided Munition

APHC armour-piercing hard core

APHE armour-piercing high explosive

API armour-piercing incendiary

APIT armour-piercing incendiary tracer

APM anti-personnel mine

APS Advanced Propulsion System

APS Artillery Pointing System

APSA Armour Piercing Secondary Effect

APSE armour-piercing secondary effect

APSE-T armour-piercing secondary effect - tracer

APT armour-piercing tracer

APTE Abrams Power Train Evolution (US)

APU auxiliary power unit

APV armoured patrol vehicle

AR Assault Rifle

AR/AAV Armored Reconnaissance/Airborne Assault Vehicle (US)

ARD Anti-Reflective Device

ARDEC Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center

ARDNOT Automatic Day/Night Optical Tracker

ARE Atelier de Construction Roanne

ARETS Armour Remote Target System

ARFORGEN Army Force Generation

ARMAD Armoured and Mechanised Unit Air Defence

ARMSCOR Armament Manufacturing Corporation (South Africa)

ARMVAL Anti-Armor Vehicle Evaluation (US)

ARP anti-radiation projectile

ARP Armoured Repair Plates

ARRADCOM Armament Research and Development Command

ARRV Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle

ARSV Armored Reconnaissance Scout Vehicle (US)

ART Armoured Recon Transport

ARV armoured recovery vehicle or Armed Robotic Vehicle

ASAAdvanced Security Agency

ASARC Army Systems Acquisition Review Council

ASCOD Austrian Spanish Co-operative Development

ASM Armored Systems Modernisation (US)

ASP Automatic, Self-Powered

ASTROS Artillery Saturation Rocket System (Brazil)

ASV Armored Security Vehicle (US)

ASV ammunition supply vehicle

AT anti-tank

AT Ape Tape

ATACS Advanced Tank Cannon System (US)

ATAS Automatic Target Acquisition System

ATCAS Advanced Towed Cannon System

ATD Advanced Technology Demonstration

ATD Advanced Technology Demonstrator (US)

ATD Automatic Target Detection

ATDT Automatic Target Detection and Tracking

ATDU Armoured Trials and Development Unit (UK)

ATFCS Automated Targeting and Fire Control System

ATG Anti-tank gun

ATGL Anti-tank grenade launcher

ATGM Anti-tank guided missile

ATGW Anti-tank guided weapon

ATK Alliant Techsystems

ATLAS Advanced Technology Light Artillery System

ATLV Artillery Target Location Vehicle

ATM Anti-tank mine

ATR - EDS Automotive Test Rig - Electric Drive System

ATS Atelier de Construction de Tarbes

ATTC All Terrain Tracked Carrier

ATTS Air Transportable Towed System

ATV All-terrain vehicle

ATV Armoured TOW Vehicle (Turkey)

AUG Armee Universal Gewehr

AVF Armoured Fighting Vehicle

AVGP Armoured Vehicle General Purpose (Canada)

AVH Armoured Vehicle Heavy

AVL Armoured Vehicle Light

AVLB armoured vehicle-launched bridge

AVM Armoured Vehicle Medium

AVR armoured vehicle reconnaissance

AVRE Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers (UK)

AVT Advanced Vehicle Technologies (US)

AWE Advanced Warfighting Experiment

AWOL Absent Without Official Leave


BAe British Aerospace

BAM Broad Assed Marine: i.e., female Marine (US, vulgar)

BAR M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle

BARV Beach Armoured Recovery Vehicle

BASE British Aerospace Systems and Equipment

BATES Battlefield Artillery Target Engagement System

BB Base bleed

BBSP Blowback shifted pulse

BC Battery Commander

BCC battery control centre

BCP Battery Command Post

BCT Brigade combat team (US)

BCT Basic Combat Training

BCV Battle Command Vehicle

BD base detonating

BDA Browning Double Action or Bomb Damage Assessment

BDM Bunker Demolition Munition

BDU Battle Dress Uniform

BE base ejection

BFA Blank-firing adaptor or blank firing attachment

BFV Bradley Fighting Vehicle

BGT Brigade Combat Team

bhp brake horsepower

BIFF Battlefield Identification Friend or Foe

BILL Bofors, Infantry, Light and Lethal

BITE built-in test equipment

BL Blank

BL-T black tracer

BLITS Beta Lighted Infantry Telescope System

BLT Battalion Landing Team

BLR Blindado Ligero de Ruedas

BMF Belgian Mechanical Fabrication

BMNT Begin Morning Nautical Twilight

BMP Pronounced "bimp". A Former Warsaw Pact IFV

BMR Blindado Medio de Ruedas

BMS Battalion Mortar System

BMS Battlefield Management System

BNCC (USAF) Base Network Control Center

BNS Bill Night Sight

BOCV Battery Operations Centre Vehicle

BOG-Dwell Boots on the Ground - Dwell (Down Time)

BOL Bearing Only Launch

BOLTS Bolt On Loading Tray System

BOSS Ballistic Optimizing Shooting System

BPS Battery Power Source

BSP Bright Source Protection

BSSG Brigade Service Support Group

BST Basic Skills Trainer

BT Boat Tail

BT Bullet Trap

BTA best technical approach

BTU Bullet Trap Universal

BUA BILL Under Armour or built-up area

BW Bacteriological warfare

BX Bionix AFV


C3I Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence

CAB Combat Aviation Battalion

CAD computer-assisted design

CAL Canadian Arsenals Limited

CAP Civil Air Patrol (USAF Civilian Auxiliary)

CAP Combat Air Patrol

CAP Combustible Augmented Plasma

CARRV Challenger Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle

CAS Close Air Support

CASEVAC Casualty Evacuation

CAT/FCS Command Adjusted Trajectory/Fire-Control System (US)

CAT/LCV Combined Arms Team/Lightweight Combat Vehicle (US)

CATT Combined Arms Tactical Trainer (UK)

CATT-B Component Advanced Technology TestBed (US)

CAV Composite Armored Vehicle (US)

CAWS Cannon Artillery Weapons Systems (US)

CAX Combined Arms Exercise

CBR Chemical, Biological, Radiological

CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear

CCC combustible cartridge case

CCD charge-coupled device

CCO Close Combat Optic

CCP Computer Control Panel

CCR Crown Copyright Reserved

CCTV closed-circuit television

CCU Central Control Unit

CCV Close Combat Vehicle

CCV Command and Control Vehicle (US)

CCV-L Close Combat Vehicle - Light

cd candela

CDA Combat Defensive Action

CDM Coastal Defence Missile

CDU Command Display Unit

CDU Computer Display Unit

CE Chemical Energy

C/E Crew/Enlisted (Enlisted Aircrew Member)

CECOM Communications-Electronics Command

CEFO Combat Equipment Fighting Order (webbing contents)

CENTCOM Central Command

CENTO Central Treaty Organisation or Baghdad Pact

CEOI Communications Electronics Operating Instruction

CEP Circular Error of Probability

CEPP Controlled Effect Police Projectile

CET Combat Engineer Tractor

CEU Computer Electronics Unit

CEV combat engineer vehicle

CF Canadian Forces

CF controlled fragmentation

CFE Conventional Forces Europe

CFV Cavalry Fighting Vehicle (US)

CG Commanding General

CGS Crew Gunnery Simulator

CHA Cast Homogeneous Armour

CHARM Challenger Chieftain Armament

CHIP Challenger Improvement Programme

CIFV Composite Infantry Fighting Vehicle

CILAS Compagnie Industrielle des Lasers

CIS Chartered Industries of Singapore

CIS Commonwealth of Independent States

CITV Commander's Independent Thermal Viewer (US)

CIWS Close-In Weapons System

CLAMS Clear Lane Marking System (US)

CLASS Computerised Laser Sight System

CLAWS Close Combat Light Armor Weapon System (US)

CLGP Cannon-Launched Guided Projectile (US)

CLOS Command to Line Of Sight

CLU Command Launch Unit

CM Colour-Marking or "Continue Mission"

CMS Common Missile System

CMS Compact Modular Sight

CMT Cadmium Mercury Telluride

CMV Combat Mobility Vehicle (US)

CNVD Clip-on Night Vision Device

CO Commanding Officer

COG Course Over Ground

Comp B Composition B

COMVAT Combat Vehicles Armament Technology (US)

COMZ Communications Zone

COP Combat Out Post

COS Chief of Section

COSCOM Corps Support Command (US Army)

CofS Chief of Staff

COTAC Conduite de Tir Automatique pour Char (tank automatic fire)

COTS Commercial-off-the-shelf

COV Counter Obstacle Vehicle (US)

CP concrete-piercing

CPR Common Practice Round

CPS Cardinal Points Specification (UK)

CPV command post vehicle

CQB Close Quarters Battle

CQBW Close Quarters Battle Weapon

CR Capability Requirement

CRISAT Collaborative Research Into Small Arms Technology

CRR Carro de Reconhecimento Sobre Rodas (reconnaissance tracking scout car)

CRT cathode ray tube

CRU Cable Reel Unit

CS Communications Subsystem

CS Confined Space

CS (USAF) Communications Squadron

CSB Combat Support Boat

CSF Combined Service Forces

CSI computer-synthesised image

CSS Computer Sighting System

CTA Case Telescoped Ammunition

CTD Concept Technology Demonstrator

CTI Central Tyre Inflation

CTIS Central Tyre Inflation System

CTO Central Treaty Organisation or Baghdad Pact

CTR Close Target Recce

CTRA Carro de Transporte Sobre Rodas Anfibo (amphibious tracking scout car)

CTT Challenger Training Tank

CV90 Combat Vehicle 90

CVAST Combat Vehicle Armament System Technology (US)

CVR(T) Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (Tracked) (UK)

CVR(W) Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (Wheeled) (UK)

CVRDE Combat Vehicle Research and Development Establishment (India)

CVT controlled variable time

CVTTS Combat Vehicle Targeting System

CW Chemical Warfare

CWR continuous wave radar

CWS cupola weapon station


DA Double Action

DAHA dual axis head assembly

DAO Double Action Only

DARCOM US Army Matriel Development and Readiness Command

DAREOD Damaged Airfield Reconnaissance Explosive Ordnance Disposal

DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

DAS Deep Air Support

DAS Defensive Aid System/Suite

DASP Demountable Artillery Surveillance Pod

DC Direct Current

DCA Dfense Contre Avions (anti-aircraft)

DCCT Dismounted Close Combat Trainer

DD Detroit Diesel

DDA Detroit Diesel Allison

DDS Department of Defense Support

DDU digital display unit

DECA Digital Electronic Control Assembly

DEFA Direction des tudes et Fabrications d'Armement

DERA Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (UK)

DESO Defence Export Sales Organisation (UK)

DFCS Digital Fire-Control System

DFSV Direct Fire Support Vehicle

DFV Desert Fighting Vehicle

DHSS Data Handling SubSystem

DIA Defense Intelligence Agency (US)

DICON Defence Industries Corporation of Nigeria

DIP driver instrument panel

DISCOM Division Support Command

DIVARTY Division Artillery

DMC Digital Magnetic Compass

DMR Dedicated Marksman Rifle

DMU Distance Measurement Unit

DNRS Day/Night Range Sight

DoD Department of Defense (US)

DOIM (US Army) Directorate of Information Management

DOP Department of Productivity

DP Demonstration Purpose

DP Dual Purpose

DPA Defence Procurement Agency (UK)

DPICM Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munition (US)

DPTR Diopter

DRA Defence Research Agency (UK)

DROPS Demountable Rack Offloading and Pick-up System

DS/T practice discarding sabot/tracer

DSACS Direct Support Armored Cannon System (US)

DSETS Direct Support Electrical Test System

DSO Defence Sales Organisation

DSRV Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle (US)

DSWS Division Support Weapon System

DTAT Direction Technique des Armements Terrestres

DTT Driver Training Tank

DU depleted uranium

DV Demining Vehicle

DVE Driver's Vision Enhancer

DWFK Deep Water Fording Kit


EAAK Enhanced Appliqu Armor Kit (US)

EAOS Enhanced Artillery Observation System

EBG Engin Blind Gnie (armoured combat vehicle)

EBR Engin Blind de Reconnaissance (armoured reconnaissance vehicle)

EBRC Engine Blind roues de Contact

EC Enhanced Carbine

ECM Electronic countermeasures

ECOS Enhanced Combat Optical Sight

ECS Environmental Control Subsystem

ECV Enhanced Capacity Vehicle

EDS Electric Drive System

EFAB Etablissement d'Etudes et de Fabrications d'Armement de Bourges

EFC equivalent full charge

EFCR equivalent full charge rounds

EFM Explosives Factory Maribyrnong

EFP Expanded Feasibility Phase

EFP Explosively Formed Penetrator

EFV Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (New name for AAAV)

EFVS Electronic Fighting Vehicle System (US)

EG External Gun

EGLM Enhanced Grenade Launcher Module

ELB Extended Life Barrel

ELKE Elevated Kinetic Energy Weapon (US)

ELS Electromagnetic Launcher System

ELSAP Elektronische Schiessanlage fr Panzer (electronic fire system for tanks)

EM electromagnetic

EMC Executive Management Committee

EMD Engineering and Manufacturing Development

EMDG Euromissile Dynamics Group

EMG externally mounted gun

EMP electromagnetic pulse

ENGESA Engesa Engenheiros Especializados (Brazil)

EOD explosive ordnance disposal

EOR Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance

EOTS Electro-Optical Tracking System

EPC electronic plane conversion

EPC Engin Principal de Combat (future main battle tank)

EPG Enhanced Performance Grenade

EPG European Production Group

EPG European Programme Group

EPS Electrical Power Subsystem

EPU Electronics Processing Unit

ER enhanced radiation

ER extended range

ERA explosive reactive armour

ERA extended range ammunition

ERC Engin de Reconnaissance Canon

ERFB extended range full-bore

ERFB-BB extended range full-bore - base bleed

ERGFCDS Extended Range Gunnery Fire-Control Demonstration System

ERGP extended range guided projectile

ERMIS Extended Range Modification Integration System

ERP Extended Range Projectile

ERSC extended range subcalibre

ERV emergency rescue vehicle

ERV Engineer Reconnaissance Vehicle

ES Extreme Spread

ESAF Elecronic Safety and Arm Function

ESD Electronique Serge Dassault

ESLDE Eyesafe Laser Daylight Elbow

ESPAWS Enhanced Self-Propelled Artillery Weapon System (US)

ESRS electro-slag refined steel

ETA Estimated Time of Arrival

ETC ElectroThermal Cannon

ETD Estimated Time of Departure

ETM Electronic Technical Manuals

ETS Elevated TOW System

ETS Engineer Tank System

EW electronic warfare

EWK Eisenwerke Kaiserslautern Gppner

EWS external weapon station


FAAD Forward Area Air Defense

FAAR Forward Area Alerting Radar (US)

FAARP Forward Area Arming & Refueling Point

FAASV Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicle (US)

FAC Forward Air Control(er)

FAC-A Forward Air Control(er)-Airborne

FACE Field Artillery Computer Equipment

FAL Fusil Automatique Lgre

FAPDS Frangible Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot

FARP Forward Arear Refueling Point

FARS field artillery rocket system

FARV-A Future Armored Resupply Vehicle - Artillery (US)

FAST Forward Area Support Team

FAV Fast Attack Vehicle (US)

FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation

FBRV Future Beach Recovery Vehicle (UK)

FCC Fire Command Centre

FCC Fire-Control Computer

FCCVS Future Close-Combat Vehicle System (US)

FCE fire-control equipment

FCLV Future Command and Liaison Vehicle (UK)

FCS fire-control system/subsystem

FCS Future Combat System

FCU Fire Control Unit

FDC fire direction centre

FDCV fire direction centre vehicle

FDSWS Future Direct Support Weapon System

FEBA Forward Edge of the Battle Area

FEP Firepower Enhancement Programme

FET Future Engineer Tank

FFAR Folding Fin Aerial Rocket

FFE Fire for Effect

FFSS Future Fighting Soldier System

FG field gun

FH field howitzer

FIBUA Fighting In Built-Up Areas

FID Foreign Internal Defenses

FIFV Future Infantry Fighting Vehicle (US)

FIRM Floating Integrated Rail Mount

FIS Fuze Interface System

FISH Fighting In Someone's House (UK) (Colloquial. Slang term for FIBUA)

FIST Future Integrated Soldier Technology (UK), FIre Support Team (US)

FISTV Fire Support Team Vehicle (US)

FITOW Further Improved TOW (US)

FLEA Frangible Low Energy Ammunition (i.e. a fragmentation grenade or a low yield IED)

FLIR forward-looking infra-red

FLOT forward line of own troops

FLSW Future Light Support Weapon

FM Titanium tetrachloride (code designation)

FMBS Family of Muzzle Brake/Suppressors

FMC Food Machinery Corporation

FMF Fleet Marine Force

FMJ Full Metal Jacket

FMJBT Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail

FMJLF Full Metal Jacket Lead Free

FMS Foreign Military Sales

FMTV Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles

FN Fabrique Nationale (Manufacturer)

FO Forward Observer

FOB Forward Operating Base

FOC Full Operational Capability

FOD Foreign Object Damage (i.e. damage not caused by enemy fire. Includes bugs, dirt, etc.) (Aviation)

FOG Fibre Optic Gyro

FOM Fibre Optic Missile

FOO forward observation officer

FORTIS Forward Observation and Reconnaissance Thermal Imaging System

FOTT Follow On To TOW

FOV field of view

FPA Focal Plane Array

FRAG fragmentation

FRAGO FRAGmentary Order. (see OPORD)

FRES Future Rapid Effects System

FROG free rocket over ground

FSCL fire support coordination line

FSCM fire support coordination measure

FSCV fire support combat vehicle

FSE fire support element

FSED full-scale engineering development (US)

FSSG Force Service Support Group

FST Future Soviet Tank/Follow-on Soviet Tank

FSV fire support vehicle

FSV Future Scout Vehicle (US)

FTA Frangible Training Ammunition

FTMA Future Tank Main Armament

FTS Future Tank Study

FTT Field Tactical Trainer

FUE First Unit Equipped

FUG Felderit Us Gpkosci

FV fighting vehicle

FV/GCE fighting vehicle gun control equipment

FVDD Fighting Vehicle Development Division

FVRDE Fighting Vehicle Research and Development Establishment (UK)

FVS Fighting Vehicle System (US)

FVSC Fighting Vehicle Systems Carrier (US)

FY fiscal year


g gramme(s)

G gendarmerie

GAMA Gun Automatic Multiple Ammunition

GAO General Accounting Office

GAP Gun Aiming Post

GBAD Ground Based Air Defence

GCE gun control equipment

GCT Grande Cadence de Tir (high rate of fire)

GCU Gun Control Unit

GCW Gross Combat Weight

GD General Dynamics

GDLS General Dynamics Land Systems

GDU Gun Display Unit

GFE Government Furnished Equipment

GH gun-howitzer

GIAT Groupement Industriel des Armements Terrestres

GL Grenade Launcher

GLC gun lay computer

GLDNSM Grenade Launcher Day-Night Sight Mount

GLH-H Ground-Launched Hellfire-Heavy (US)

GLLD Ground Laser Locator Designator (US)

GLS Gesellschaft fr Logistischen Service

GM, MVO General Motors, Military Vehicle Operations

GMC General Motors Corporation

GMG Grenade Machine Gun

GMLRS Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System

GMS Gun Management System

GOCO government-owned, contractor-operated (US)

GOP General Out Post

GP General Purpose

GP guided projectile

GPMG General Purpose Machine Gun

GPO gun position officer

GPS Global Positioning System

GPS gunner's primary sight

GPSS Gunner's Primary Sight Subsystem

GREM Grenade Rifle Entry Munition

GRU Glavnoe Razvedyvatel'noe Upravlenie, meaning Main Intelligence Directorate

GSR General Staff Requirement (US)

GSRS General Support Rocket System

GST General Staff Target

GST Gesellschaft fr System-Technik

GTCS Gun Test and Control System

GTI German Tank Improvement

GVW Gross Vehicle Weight

GW guided weapon


h hour(s)

H&K Heckler and Koch

HAB Heavy Assault Bridge (US)

HAG Heavy Artillery Gun

HALO High Altitude Low Opening, High Activity/Low Observable

HAMS Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron - Marine Aircraft Group (USMC)

HAWK Homing-All-the-Way-Killer (US)

HB heavy barrel

HBAR Heavy Barrel Assault Rifle

HC Hexachloroethane/zinc

HC high capacity

HC Hollow Charge

HCER high-capacity extended range

HCHE high-capacity high explosive

HCT HOT Compact Turret

HDS HOLOgraphic Diffraction Sight

HE high explosive

HE-APERS high-explosive anti-personnel

HE-FRAG high-explosive fragmentation

HE-FRAG-FS high-explosive fragmentation - fin-stabilised

HE-FS high-explosive - fin-stabilised

HE-S high-explosive spotting

HE-T high-explosive tracer

HE/PR high-explosive practice

HEAA High Explosive Anti-Armour

HEAB High Explosive Air Burst

HEAP High Explosive Armor Piercing

HEAP-T high-explosive anti-personnel - tracer

HEAT high-explosive anti-tank

HEAT-FS high-explosive anti-tank fin-stabilised

HEAT-MP high-explosive anti-tank multipurpose

HEAT-MP(P) high-explosive anti-tank multipurpose (practice)

HEAT-T high-explosive anti-tank - tracer

HEAT-T-HVY high-explosive anti-tank - tracer - heavy

HEAT-T-MP high-explosive anti-tank - tracer - multipurpose

HEAT-TP-T high-explosive anti-tank - target practice - tracer

HED-D Hybrid Electric Drive-Demonstrator

HEDP high-explosive dual-purpose

HEER High-Explosive Extended Range (US)

HEF High Explosive Fragmentation

HEFT High Explosive Follow Through

HEI high-explosive incendiary

HEIT high-explosive incendiary tracer

HEL High-Energy Laser (US)

HEL Human Engineering Laboratory (US)

HELP Howitzer Extended Life Program (US)

HEMAT Heavy Expanded Mobility Ammunition Trailer (US)

HEMP High Explosive Multi-Purpose

HEMTT Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (US)

HEP high-explosive plastic

HEP-T high-explosive practice - tracer

HEPD high-explosive point detonating

HERA high-explosive rocket-assisted

HESH high-explosive squash head

HESH-T high-explosive squash head - tracer

HET-PF high-explosive tracer - percussion fuze

HETF High Explosive Time Fuzed

HETS Heavy Equipment Transport System

HFCC Howitzer Fire-Control Computer (US)

HFHTB Human Factors Howitzer TestBed (US)

HFM Heavy Force Modernisation (US)

HIFV Heavy Infantry Fighting Vehicle

HIMAG High-Mobility Agility Test Vehicle (US)

HIMARS High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (US)

HIP Howitzer Improvement Program (US)

HIRE Hughes Infra-Red Equipment

HITP High Ignition Temperature Propellant

HIU Heading Indicator Unit

HMC Howitzer Motor Carriage

HMD Helmet-Mounted Display

HMG Heavy Machine Gun

HMH Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron

HMLC High-Mobility Load Carrier

HML/A Marine Light/Attack Helicopter Squadron

HMM Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron

HMMWV High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle

HMX Marine Special Mission Helicopter Squadron

HOE Holographic Optical Element

HOT Haute subsonique Optiquement Tlguid

How howitzer

HP High Power; Hollow Point

hp horsepower

HPFP High-Performance Fragmentation Projectile

HPS Helmet Pointing System (or Sight)

HPT high-pressure test

HRU Heading Reference Unit

HS Headquarters Squadron - Marine Wing Support Group (USMC)

HSS Hunter Sensor Suite

HSTV(L) High-Survivability Test Vehicle (Lightweight) (US)

HTTB High-Technology TestBed (US)

HVAP high-velocity armour-piercing

HVAP-T high-velocity armour-piercing tracer

HVAPDS-T high-velocity armour-piercing discarding sabot - tracer

HVAPFSDS high-velocity armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot

HVCC High Velocity Canister Cartridge

HVM Hypervelocity Missile

HVSS horizontal volute spring suspension

HVSW Hypervelocity Support Weapon

HVTP-T high-velocity target practice - tracer

HWSTD High Water Speed Technology Demonstrator

HYPAK Hydraulic Power Assist Kit


I Incendiary

IAFV infantry armoured fighting vehicle

IAI Israel Aircraft Industries

IAL Infra-red Aiming Light

IASD Instant Ammunition Selection Device

IBAS Improved Bradley Acquisition System

ICC information co-ordination centre

ICM improved conventional munition

ICM BB improved conventional munition base bleed

ICV Infantry Combat Vehicle

IDF Israel Defence Forces

IDW Individual Defence Weapon

IED Improvised Explosive Device

IEPG Independent European Program Group

IFCS Improved/Integrated Fire-Control System

IFF Identification Friend or Foe

IFV infantry fighting vehicle

IFVwCM Infantry Fighting Vehicle with Integrated Countermeasures (US)

IGLS Individual Grenade Launcher System

II image intensification/intensifier

IIR Imaging Infra-Red

ILL illuminating

ILMS Improved Launcher Mechanical System

ILS Integrated Logistic Support

IM Insensitive Munition(s)

IMMLC Improved Medium Mobility Load Carrier

IMU Inertial Measurement Unit

INSAS Indian Small Arms System

InSb Indium-antimonide

IOC initial operational capability

IOF Indian Ordnance Factory

IPB Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield

IPF Initial Production Facility

IPO International Programme Office

IPPD Integrated Product Process Development

IR Infra-Red

IRBM intermediate-range ballistic missile

IRU Inertial Reference Unit

IS internal security

ISD In Service Date

ISGU Integrated Sight and Guidance Unit

ISR Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance

ISU Integrated Sight Unit

ISV Internal Security Vehicle

ITAS Improved Target Acquisition System

ITOW Improved TOW

ITPIAL Infra-red Target Pointer/Illuminator/Aiming Laser

ITT Invitation To Tender

ITV Improved TOW Vehicle (US)

IVPDL Inter-Vehicle Positioning and Data Link (US)

IW Individual Weapon

IWS Improved Weapon System


JBMoU Joint Ballistic Memorandum of Understanding

JERRV Joint Engineer Rapid Response Vehicle

JGSDF Japanese Ground Self-Defence Force

JHP Jacketed hollow point

JLTA Javelin Composite Launch Tube

JMAC Joint Medium-calibre Automatic Cannon

JPO Joint Project Office

JSC Joint Steering Committee

JSCS Joint Service Combat Shotgun

JSDFA Japanese Self-Defence Force Agency

JSP Jacketed Soft Point

JSSAMP Joint Services Small Arms Master Plan

JSSAP Joint Services Small Arms Programme


KAAV Korean Armoured Amphibious Vehicle

KAC Knight's Armament Company

KE kinetic energy

KEC Kaman Electromagnetics Corporation

KEM Kinetic Energy Missile (US)

kg kilogramme(s)

KIA Killed in Action

KIFV Korean Infantry Fighting Vehicle

KPA Korea People's Army


LAAG light anti-aircraft gun

LAAM Light Anti-Aircraft Missile

LAAW Light Anti-Tank Assault Weapon

LAD light aid detachment

LADS light air defense system (US)

LAG Light Artillery Gun

LAM Laser Aiming Module

LAPES Low-Altitude Parachute Extraction System

LAR Light Automatic Rifle

LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

LASIP Light Artillery System Improvement Plan

LATS Light Armoured Turret System

LAU Light Armoured Unit

LAV Light Armored Vehicle (US)

LAV Light Assault Vehicle (US)

LAV-AD Light Armored Vehicle - Air Defense

LAW light anti-tank weapon

LB Long Barrel

LC Laser Collimator

LCD Liquid crystal display

LCS Loader Control System

LCU Landing Craft Utility

LCV Light Contingency Vehicle (LCV) (US)

LD Low drag, Line of Departure

LE Law Enforcement

LED light emitting diode

LEP Life Extension Programme

LEU Launcher Erector Unit

LF ATGW Light Forces' Anti-Tank Guided Weapon

LF Linked Feed

LFHG Lightweight Fragmentation Hand Grenade

LFL Light Fighter Lethality

LIA Linear Induction Accelerator

LIMAWS Lightweight Mobile Artillery Weapon System

LION Lightweight Infra-red Observation Night sight

LIW Lyttleton Engineering Works

LKP Loader Keyboard Panel

LLAD low-level air defence

LLLTV low light level television

LLM Launcher Loader Module

LMAW Light Multi-purpose Assault Weapon

LMG light machine gun

LNS Land Navigation System

LNS Laying and Navigation System

L/O Liaison Officer

LOAL Lock-On After Launch

LOBL Lock-On Before Launch

LOC Line Of Communication

LOS Line Of Sight

LOSAT Line Of Sight Anti-Tank

LP Liquid Propellant

LP Listening Post

LPC Launch Pod Container

LPC Launcher Pod Carrier

LPG Liquid Propellant Gun

LPO Leading Petty Officer

LPT Low-Profile Turret

LPTS Lightweight Protected Turret System

LR Long Rifle

LR Long-Range

LRAR Long Range Artillery Rocket

LRASS Long-Range Advanced Scout System

LRAT long-range anti-tank

LRBB long-range base bleed

LRD Long Range Deflagrator

LRF laser rangefinder

LRF Low Recoil Force

LRHB long-range hollow base

LRIP Low-Rate Initial Production

LRM Laser Rangefinder Module

LRN Lead Round Nose


LRRP Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol

LRSA Long Range Sniper Ammunition

LRSU Long Range Surveillance Unit

LRU Launcher Replenishment Unit

LRU Line Replacement Unit

LRU line-replaceable unit

LSS Lightweight Shotgun System

LSW Light Support Weapon

LTA Launch Tube Assembly

LTD laser target designator

LTFCS Laser Tank Fire-Control System

LTP Laser Target Pointer, Luminesant Training Projectile

LUTE Lightweight Uncooled Thermal Imager Equipment

LVA landing vehicle assault (US)

LVS Lightweight Video Sight

LVT landing vehicle tracked (US)

LVTC landing vehicle tracked command (US)

LVTE landing vehicle tracked engineer (US)

LVTH landing vehicle tracked howitzer (US)

LVTP landing vehicle tracked personnel (US)

LVTR landing vehicle tracked recovery (US)

LWC Lead Wad Cutter

LWIR Long Wave Infrared

LWL LightWeight Launcher

LWML LightWeight Multiple Launcher

LWMS LightWeight Modular Sight

LWS laser warning system

LWT light weapon turret


m metre(s)

m/s metres per second

MAB Marine Amphibious Brigade

MABS Marine Air Base Squadron

MAC Medium Armored Car (US)

MAC Military Airlift Command

MACS Modular Artillery Charge System

MACS Marine Air Control Squadron

MADLS Mobile Air Defence Launching System

MAF Marine Amphibious Force

MAG Marine Aircraft Group

MAGTEC Marine Air/Ground Training & Education Command

MAGTF Marine Air/Ground Task Force

MALOS Miniature Laser Optical Sight

MALS Marine Air Logistics Squadron

MAMBA Mobile Artillery Monitoring Battlefield Radar

MAOV Mobile Artillery Observation Vehicle

MAP Military Aid Programme

MAPS Modular Azimuth Position System

MAR Micro Assault Rifle

MARDI Mobile Advanced Robotics Defence Initiative (UK)

MARDIV Marine Division (US)

MARS Military Amateur Radio Station

MARS Mini Assault Rifle System

MARS Multi-purpose Aiming Reflex Sight

MARS Multiple Artillery Rocket System

MASS Marine Air Support Squadron

MATCS Marine Air Trafic Control Squadron

MATSG Marine Air Training Support Group

MAU(SOC) Marine Amphibious Unit (Special Operations Capable)

MAV maintenance assist vehicle

MAVD MLRS Aim Verification Device

MAW Marine Air Wing (US)

MBA main battle area

MBB Messerschmitt-Blkow-Blohm

MBC Mortar Ballistic Computer

MBT main battle tank

MCLOS Manual Command to Line Of Sight

MCRV Mechanised Combat Repair Vehicle

MCS Microclimate Conditioning System

MCS modular charge system

MCSK Mine Clearance System Kit (US)

MCT Medium Combat Tractor (US)

MCT Mercury Cadmium Telluride

MCV Mechanised Combat Vehicle

MCWL Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory

MCWS Minor Calibre Weapons Station (US)

MDU Map Display Unit

MEB Marine Expeditionary Brigade

MEDEVAC Medical Evacuation

MEF Marine Expeditionary Force

MENS Mission Element Need Statement (US)

MEP Modular Explosive Penetrator

MEPSMilitary Entrance Processing Station

METO Middle East Treaty Organisation; CENTO or Baghdad Pact

METL Mission Essential Task List

METT-TC Mission, Enemy, Terrain and weather, Troops and support availableime available, Civilians

MEU(SOC) Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable)

MEV medical evacuation vehicle (US)

MEWS Mobile Electronic Warfare System

MEWSS Mobile Electronic Warfare Support System

MF multifunction

MFC Mortar Fire Control(ler)

MFCS Multi-Fire Control System/Mortar Fore Control System

MFCV Missile Fire-Control Vehicle

MFF munition filling factory

MG machine gun

MGB Medium Girder Bridge

MGL Multiple Grenade Launcher

MGS Mobile Gun System

MGTS MultiGun Turret System

MGU Mid-course Guidance Unit

MI Military Intelligence

MIA Missing In Action

MICOM Missile Command (US)

MICV mechanised infantry combat vehicle

MILAN Missile d'Infantrie Lger Antichar (light infantry anti-tank missile)

MILES Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (US)


MILSTAR MILitary Strategic and Tactical Relay (US)

MIPS Medium Integrated Propulsion System (US)

MLA Manufacturing Licence Agreement

MLC Military Load Class

MLC Modular Load Carrier

MLF Marine Logistics Force

MLR Marine Logistics Regiment

MLI Mid-Life Improvement

MLO Muzzle Loaded Ordnance

MLRS Multiple Launch Rocket System (US)

mm millimetre(s)

MMBF mean miles between failures

MMG Medium Machine Gun

MMS mast-mounted sight

MMS Modular Mounting System

MNVD Monocular Night Vision Device

MoA Memorandum of Agreement

MOA Minute Of Angle

MoD Ministry of Defence

MODA Ministry of Defence and Aviation

MOLF Modular Laser Fire Control (Germany)

MOLLE MOdular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment

MoU Memorandum of Understanding

MOUT Military Operations in Urban Terrain (urban warfare) (US)

MP Machine Pistol

MPBAV MultiPurpose Base Armoured Vehicle

MPC MultiPurpose Carrier (Netherlands)

MPGS Mobile Protected Gun System (US)

MPI Mean Point of Impact

MPIM MultiPurpose Individual Munition

MPM MultiPurpose Munition

MPS Maritime Prepositioning Ships (US)

MPV Multi-Purpose Vehicle

MPWS Mobile Protected Weapon System (US)

MR Medium Range

MRAP Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (Vehicle)

MRAR MultiRole Assault Round

MRAV MultiRole Armoured Vehicle

MRBF mean rounds before failure

MRBS mean rounds between stoppages

MRS multiple rocket system

MRS muzzle reference system

MRSI Multiple Round Simultaneous Impact

MRV(R) Mechanised Recovery Vehicle (Repair)

MRVR Mechanised Repair and Recovery Vehicle (US)

MSSG MAU/MEU Service Support Group (USMC)

MSR Missile Simulation Round

MSTAR Man-portable Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar

MSV Modular Support Vehicle

MT mechanical time

MTB Mobility TestBed

MTBF Mean Time Between Failure

MTI moving target indication

MTL Materials Technology Laboratory (US)

MTR Mobile Test Rig (US)

MTSQ mechanical time and super-quick

MTSQ Mechanical Time Semi-Quick

MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union

MTVL mobile tactical vehicle light

MUGS Multipurpose Universal Gunner Sight

MULE Modular Universal Laser Equipment (US)

MUSS Multifunctional Selfprotection System

MV muzzle velocity

MVEE Military Vehicles and Engineering Establishment (UK)

MVRS Muzzle Velocity Radar System

MWCS Marine Wing Communications Squadron

MWHS Marine Wing Headquarters Squadron

MWS Manned Weapon Station (US)

MWS Modular Weapon System

MWSG Marine Wing Support Group

MWSS Marine Wing Support Squadron


NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

NBC nuclear, biological, chemical

NBMR NATO Basic Military Requirement

NCIS Naval Criminal Investigative Service (US)

NCO Non-Commissioned Officer (US, E-4 - E-9)

NCOIC Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge

NDI Non-Developmental Item

NDU Navigation Display Unit

NFOV Narrow Field Of View

NG New/Next Generation

Ni/Cd Nickel Cadmium

NLAW Next Light (weight) Anti-armour Weapon

NLOS-C Non-Line Of Sight-Cannon

NLOS-M Non-Line Of Sight-Mortar

NRF NATO Response Force

NTC National Training Center (USA)

NUGP nominal unit ground pressure

NV Night Vision

NVD Night Vision Device

NVE Night Vision Equipment

NVESD Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate

NVG Night Vision Goggle

NVS Night Vision System

NZDF New Zealand Defence Force

NZEF New Zealand Expeditionary Force (in WWI & WWII)


OBR Optical Beam-Riding

OCC Obus Charge Creus (shaped-charge shell)

OCOKA Observation and fields of fire, Cover and concealment, Obstacles, Key terrain, and Avenues of Approach.

OCSW Objective Crew-Served Weapon

OCU Operational Centre Unit

ODE Ordnance Development and Engineering (Singapore)

OEG Occluded Eye Gunsight

OEO optical and electro-optical

OFSA Objective Family of Small Arms

OFSA One Size Fits All

OFW Objective Force Warrior

OHWS Offensive Hand Weapon System

OIC Officer In Charge

OICW Objective Individual Combat Weapon

OOTW Operations Other Than War

OP observation post

OP Operators Panel

OPCON OPerational CONtrol

OPDW Objective Personal Defense Weapon

OPORD OPerations Order

OPSEC OPerational SECurity

OPV Observation Post Vehicle

OSW Objective Sniper Weapon

OSS (USAF) Operational Support Squadron

OSW (USAF) Operational Support, Weather

OT operational test

OTA overflight top attack

OTEA Operational Test and Evaluation Agency (US)


P How pack howitzer

P3I Pre-Planned Product Improvements

PAR pulse acquisition radar

PAT power-assisted traverse

PC Personal Computer

PCB printed circuit board

PCC Police Compact Carbine

PCI Pre-combat inspection

PD Point Defense

PD point detonating

PD Point of Departure

PDNA Positioning Determining/Navigation Unit

PDRR Program Definition and Risk Reduction

PDW Personal Defence Weapon

PE Procurement Executive (UK)

PE Peace Enforcement (US DoD)

PEC Printed Electronic Circuits

PFD proximity fuze disconnector

PFHE prefragmented high explosive

PFPX prefragmented proximity fuzed

PGMM Precision Guided Mortar Munition

PH Probability of Hit

Pi Probability of incapacitation

PIAT Projector, Infantry, Anti Tank

PIBD Point Initiating Base Detonated

PID Positive Identification

PIE pyrotechnically initiated explosive

PIP Product Improvement Programme

PL Phase Line

PLA People's Liberation Army

PLARS Position Location And Reporting System (US)

PLC Programmable Logic Control

PLO Palestinian Liberation Army

PLOS Predicted Line Of Sight

PLS Palletised Load System (US)

PM porte mortier (mortar carrier)

PM Product Manager

PMCS Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services

PMEE U.S. Air Force abbreviation for Prime Mission Electronic Equipment

PMO Program Management Office (US)

PMO Provost Marshall's Office

PMOD Platform Modifications

PMS Pedestal-Mounted Stinger

PNU Position Navigation Unit

POA&M Plan Of Action & Milestones

POF Pakistan Ordnance Factory

POS Postes Optiques de Surveillance

PPI plan position indicator

PPS Precise Positioning Service

PRAC practice

PRAC-T practice tracer

PRI projector reticle image

PRP Personnel Reliability Program (screening and monitoring of individuals with access to "special" weapons)

PSD Propulsion System Demonstrator

PSO Peace Support Operations

PSS Primary Sight System

PTO power take-off

PVP Petit Vhicule Protg

PW Prisoner of War

PWI-SR(GR) Panser Wagen Infanterie-Standaard (Groep)

PWP Plasticised White Phosphorus


QCB Quick Change Barrel

QE Quadrant Elevation

QRF Quick Reaction Force


RA Royal Artillery

RAAM Rifle-launched Anti-Armour Munition

RAAMS Remote Anti-Armor Mine System (US)

PABD Pay Entry Base Date

RAC Royal Armoured Corps

RADIRS Rapid Deployment Multiple Rocket System (US)

RAAF Royal Australian Air Force

RAE Royal Aircraft Establishment, Royal Aircraft Establishment (Farnborough)

RAE Royal Australian Engineers, Australian Combat Engineers

RAF Royal Air Force

RAM-D reliability, availability, maintainability and durability

RAN Royal Australian Navy

RAO Rear Area Operations

RAP rocket-assisted projectile

RAPI Reactive Armour Protection

RARDE Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment (UK)

RATAC Radar de Tir pour L'Artillerie de Campagne (radar for field artillery fire)

RATELO Radio Telephone Operator

RAW Rifleman's Assault Weapon

RBL Range and Bearing Launch

RC/MAS Reserve Component/Modified Armament System

RCAAS Remote-Controlled Anti-Armor System (US)

RCAF Royal Canadian Air Force

RCC ROLAND Coordination Center (US)

RCDU Remote-Controlled Defence Unit

RCL Recoilless rifle

RCN Royal Canadian Navy

RCS Radar Cross Section

RCT Regimental Combat Team

RCT Royal Corps of Transport

RCV Robotic Command Vehicle

RDF Rapid Deployment Forces

RDF/LT Rapid Deployment Force Light Tank (US)

RDJTF Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (US)

RDT&E Research Development Test and Evaluation

REME Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

RF Rimfire

RFA Royal Field Artillery

RFAS Russian Federation and Associated States

RFC Royal Flying Corps

RFI request for information

RFP request for proposals

RFPI Rapid Force Projection Initiative

RFQ Request For Quotations

RGGS Rifle Grenade General Service

RHA rolled homogeneous armour

RHA Royal Horse Artillery

RIN the former Royal Indian Navy

RIS Rail Interface System

RISE Reliability Improved Selected Equipment

RLC Royal Logistic Corps

RLEM Rifle-Launched Entry Munition

RLG Ring Laser Gyro

RLT Regimental Landing Team

RMG ranging machine gun

RN Royal Navy

RNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force

RNZN Royal New Zealand Navy

RO Royal Ordnance

ROBAT Robotic Counter-Obstacle Vehicle (US)

RoC Republic of China

ROC required operational characteristics

ROE Rules Of Engagement

ROF Royal Ordnance Factory (UK)

ROF rate of fire

RoK Republic of Korea

RoKIT Republic of Korea Indigenous Tank

ROR range only radar

ROTA Royal Ordnance Training Ammunition

RP Red phosphorus

RP rocket-propelled

RPC Rocket Pod Container

RPG Rocket-propelled grenade

RPG Ruchnoy Protivotankovy Granatomyot

RPV Remotely piloted vehicle

RR Recoilless rifle

RRPR Reduced Range Practice Rocket

RRTR Reduced Range Training Round

RSAF Royal Small Arms Factory (UK) (now closed)

RSS Rosette Scanning Seeker

RTE Rifle Team Equipment

RTT Roues Transporteur de Troupes

RUC Royal Ulster Constabulary

RWS Remote weapon system (or station)


s second(s)

S&W Smith & Wesson

SABCA Socit Anonyme Belge de Constructions Aronautiques

SABR Selectable Assault Battle Rifle

SABS Stabilizing Automatic Bomb Sight

SAC Small Arms Collimator

SACLOS Semi-Automatic Command to Line Of Sight

SADA Standard Advanced Dewar Assembly

SADARM Sense And Destroy Armor (US)

SADF South African Defence Force

SAE Society of Automotive Engineers

SAF Small Arms Fire

SAFCS Small Arms Fire Control System

SAFIRE Surface-to-Air Fire

SAL semi-active laser

SAM surface-to-air missile

SAMM Socit d'Applications des Machines Motrices

SANDF South African National Defence Force

SANG Saudi Arabian National Guard

SAP Semi-Armour-Piercing

SAPHEI Semi-Armour-Piercing High Explosive Incendiary

SAPI semi-armour-piercing incendiary

SAS-EAS Sealed Authenticator System - Emergency Action Procedures (Nuclear Weapons Release Control)

SASR Special Application Sniper Rifle

SAT Small Arms Trainer

SATCP Systme Anti-arien Trs Courte Porte (very short-range anti-aircraft system)

SAVA Standard Army Vectronics Architecture

SAW Squad Automatic Weapon

SAWS Squad Automatic Weapon System

SB Short Barrel

SCORE Stratified Charge Omnivorous Rotary Engine

SD self-destruct(ion)

SEAL Sea/Air/Land

SEALOCK Search, Locate, and Communicate or Kill

SEATO Southeast Asia Treaty Organisation

SEME School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

SEN shell extended range NORICUM

SEP Soldier Enhancement Programme

SFCS Simplified Fire-Control System

SFIM Socit de Fabrication d'Instrument de Mesure

SFIRR solid fuel integral rocket/ramjet

SFM Sensor Fuzed Munitions

SFMG Sustained Fire Machine Gun

SFSW Special Forces Support Weapon

SFW Special Forces Weapon

SGTS Second-Generation Tank Sight

SH/PRAC squash head practice

SHORAD Short-Range Air Defence System

shp shaft horsepower

SICPS Standard Integrated Command Post Systems

SINCGARS Single Channel Ground/Air Radio System

SIP System Improvement Plan/Programme

SIPS Small Integrated Propulsion System

SJFN Semi-Jacketed Flat Nose

SJHP Semi-Jacketed Hollow Point

SKOT Sredni Kolowy Opancerzny Transporter (armoured personnel carrier)

SLAP saboted light armor penetrator

SLAW Shoulder-Launched Assault Weapon

SLEP Service Life Extension Program (US)

SLR Self-Loading Rifle

SLR Super Low Recoil

SLWAGL Super Light Weight Automatic Grenade Launcher

SM smoke

SMAW Shoulder-launched Multi-purpose Assault Weapon

SMG sub-machine gun

SMK Smoke

Smoke BE smoke base ejection

Smoke WP smoke white phosphorus

SMP Surface Mine Plough

SNCO Staff Non-Commissioned Officer (USMC, E-6 - E-9)

SNCOIC Staff Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge (USMC)

SOCOM Special Operations Command

SOF Special Operations Force(s)

SOG Speed Over Ground

SOP Standing/Standard Operational Procedure(s)

SP Shore Patrol

SP self-propelled

SP Soft Point

SPAAG self-propelled anti-aircraft gun

SPAAM self-propelled anti-aircraft missile

SPAG self-propelled assault gun

SPARK solid propellant advanced ramjet kinetic energy missile

SPAS Special Purpose Automatic Shotgun

SPATG self-propelled anti-tank gun

SPAW self-propelled artillery weapon

SPG self-propelled gun

SPH self-propelled howitzer

SPL self-propelled launcher

SPLL Self-propelled Loader Launcher

SPM self-propelled mortar

SPP Special Purpose Pistol

SPR Special Purpose Rifle

SPS Standard Positioning Service

SPSM Sensorgezundete Panzerabwehr SubMunition

SPW Special Purpose Weapon

SR Short Rifle

SR Staff Requirement

SRAW Short Range Assault Weapon

SRC Space Research Corporation

SRG shell replenishment gear

SRI Short Range Insert

SRTS Short Range Thermal Sight

SRU Shop Replaceable Unit

SRU Slip Ring Unit

SRV Surrogate Research Vehicle (US)

SSA Special Spaced Armour

SSG Single Shot Gun

SSK Single Shot Kill

SSW Squad Support Weapon

ST Staff Target

STA shell transfer arm

STAB Steered Agile Beams

STAFF Small Target Activated Fire-and-Forget (US)

STANAG STANdardisation Agreement

STARTLE Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar for Tank Location and Engagement (US)

STE/ICE Simplified Test Equipment/Internal Combustion Engine (US)

STUP spinning tubular projectile

SUB SUBstitute

SUC Square Ultra Compact

SUIT Sight Unit Infantry Trilux

SUSAT Sight Unit Small Arms Trilux

SWARM Stabilised Weapon and Reconnaissance Mount

SWAT Special Weapons And Tactics

SWC Semi WadCutter

SWS Sniper Weapon System


T Tracer


TACMS Army Tactical Missile System (US)

TACOM Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (US)

TAD Temporary Additional Duty (Naval Services term)Temporary Duty

TADDS Target Alert Display Data Set (US)

TADS Target Acquisition and Designation System (US)

TAM Tanque Argentino Mediano

TAS Target Acquisition Subsystem

TAS tracking adjunct system

TAS Turet Attitude Sensor

TBAT TOW/Bushmaster Armored Turret (US)

TC Tank Commander

TCO Tactical Combat Operations

TCU tactical control unit

TD Tank Destroyer

TDCS Tank Driver Command System

TDD Target Detection Device

TDR Target Data Receiver

TDY Temporary Duty

TE Tangent Elevation

TEL Transporter-Erector-Launcher

TELAR Transporter-Erector-Launcher And Radar

TES Tactical Environment Simulation

TES target engagement system

TGMTS Tank Gunnery Missile Tracking System

TGP Terminally Guided Projectile

TGS Tank Gun Sight

TGSM terminally guided submunition

TGTS tank gunnery training simulator

TI thermal imaging/imager

TICM thermal imaging common modules

TIIPS Thermal Imaging and Integrated Position System

TIM Thermal Imaging Module

TIPU Thermal Image Processing Units

TIRE Tank Infra-Red Elbow

TIS thermal imaging system

TLC Transport Launching Container

TLD Top Level Demonstrations

TLE Treaty Limited Equipment

TLR Tank Laser Rangefinder

TLS Tank Laser Sight

TM&LS Textron Marine & Land Systems

TMBC Turret Management Ballistic Computer

TMP Tactical Machine Pistol

TMS Turret Modernisation System

TMUAS Turreted Mortar Under Armor System (US)

TNT Trinitrotoluene

TOE table of organisation and equipment

TOGS Thermal Observation and Gunnery System (UK)

TOP Total Obscuring Power

TOPAS Transporter Obrneny Pasovy

TOTE Tracker, Optical Thermally Enhanced

TOW Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire command link guided (US)

TP Target Practice

TP-FL target practice flash

TP-S or TPS Target Practice-Spotting/Signature

TP-SM target practice - smoke

TP-SP target practice - spotting

TP-T target practice - tracer

TPCM Target Practice Colour-Marking

TPDS Target Practice Discarding Sabot

TPFSDS-T target practice fin-stabilised discarding sabot - tracer

TPTF Target Practice Time Fuzed

TR Triple Rail

TRACER Tactical Reconnaissance Armoured Combat Equipment Requirement (UK)

TRACKSTAR Tracked Search and Target Acquisition Radar System (US)

TRADOC Training and Doctrine Command (US)

TSFCS Tank Simplified Fire-Control System

TSQ time and super-quick

TSR Tavor Sporting Rifle

TT transport de troupes (troop transporter)

TTB Tank TestBed (US)

TTD Transformation Technology Demonstrator

TTG Time To Go

TTS Tank Thermal Sight

TU Terminal Unit

TU Traversing Unit

TUA TOW Under Armor (US)

TUR Tiefflieger-berwachungs-Radar (low-level surveillance radar)

TV Television

TWD Thermal Warning Device

TWMP Track Width Mine Plough

TWS Thermal Weapon Sight

TYDP Ten Year Defence Programme (Australia)


UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

UBLE Universal Bridge Launching Equipment

UCVP Universal Combat Vehicle Platform

UDR Ulster Defence Regiment

UET Universal Engineer Tractor (US)

UGV Unmanned Ground Vehicle

ULC Unit Load Container

UMA Universal Mounting Adapter

UMP Universal Machine Pistol

USA United States of America/United States Army

USAADS U.S. Army Air Defense School

USAARMS U.S. Army Armor School

USAAVNS U.S. Army Aviation School

USAAF United States Army Air Forces

USAF United States Air Force

USCG United States Coast Guard

USMC United States Marine Corps

USN United States Navy

USP Universal Self-loading Pistol

UTL Universal Tactical Light

UTM Universal Transverse Mercator

UTS Universal Turret System

UV Ultraviolet

UW Urban Warfare


V Volt(s)

VAB Vhicule de l'Avant Blind (front armoured car)

VAB Vickers Armoured Bridgelayer

VADS Vulcan Air Defense System (US)

VAE Vehiculo Armado Exploracion

VAK Vehicle Adaptor Kit

VAPE Vehiculo Apoyo y Exploracion

VARRV Vickers Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle

VARV Vickers Armoured Recovery Vehicle

VBC Vhicule Blind de Combat (armoured combat vehicle)

VBCI Vhicule Blind de Combat d'Infanterie

VBL Vhicule Blind Lger (light armoured vehicle)

VBM Vhicules Blinds Modulaires

VC Vehicle Commander

VCA Vhicule Chenill d'Accompagnement (tracked support vehicle)

VCC Veicolo Corazzato de Combattimento

VCG Vhicule de Combat du Genie (armoured engineer vehicle)

VCI Vhicule de Combat d'Infanterie; Vehiculo combate infanteria (infantry combat vehicle)

VCP Vehicle Check Point

VCR variable compression ratio

VCR Vhicule de Combat Roues (wheeled combat vehicle)

VCR/AT Vhicule de Combat Roues/Atelier Technique (salvage)

VCR/IS Vhicule de Combat Roues/Intervention Sanitaire (stretchers)

VCR/PC Vhicule de Combat Roues/Poste de Commandement (HQ)

VCR/TH Vhicule de Combat Roues/Tourelle HOT (turret with four HOT ATGW)

VCR/TT Vhicule de Combat Roues/Transport de Troupes (troop carrier)

VCTIS Vehicle Command and Tactical Information System

VCTM Vehiculo de Combate Transporte de Mortero (armoured mortar carrier)

VCTP Vehiculo de Combate Transporte de Personal (armoured personnel carrier)

VDA Vhicule de Dfense Anti-arienne (anti-aircraft defence vehicle)

VDAA Vhicule d'Auto-Dfense Anti-arienne

VDC Voltage Direct Current

VDM viscous damped mount

VDSL Vickers Defence Systems Ltd

VDU visual display unit

VEC Vehiculo de Exploracin de Caballerie

VEDES Vehicle Exhaust Dust Ejection System (US)

VERDI Vehicle Electronics Research Defence Initiative (UK)

VHIS visual hit indicator system

VIB Vhicule d'Intervention du Base

VIDS Vehicle Integrated Defence System

VINACS Vehicle Integrated Navigation and Command System

VIRSS Visual and InfraRed Smoke Screening System

VITS Video Image Tracking Systems

VLAP Velocity-enhanced Long-range Artillery Projectile

VLC Vhicule Lger de Combat (light armoured car)

VLI Visible Light Illuminator

VLSMS Vehicle-Launched Scatterable Mine System

VMA Marine Light Attack Squadron

VMA(AW) Marine All-Weather Attack Squadron

VMBT Vickers Main Battle Tank

VMF Marine Fighter Squadron

VMFA Marine Fighter Attack Squadron

VMFA(AW) Marine All-Weather Fighter Attack Squadron

VMGR Marine Aerial Refueler/Transport Squadron

VMFP Marine Aerial Reconnaissance Squadron

VMR Marine Transport Squadron

VMAQ Marine Electonic Warfare Attack Squadron

VMS Vehicle Motion Sensor

VNAS Vehicle Navigation Air System

VRL Vhicule Reconnaissance Lger (light reconnaissance vehicle)

VSEL Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering Ltd

VT variable time (fuse)

VTOL Vertical Take-Off and Landing aircraft

VTP vhicule transport de personnel (personnel carrier)

VTT vhicule transport de troupe (troop transporter)

VVSS vertical volute spring suspension

VXB Vhicule Blind Vocations Multiples (multipurpose armoured car)


WAAC Women's Auxiliary Army Corps and individual members of; obsolete

WAC Women's Army Corps and individual members of; obsolete

WAF Women (in the) Air Force and individual members of; obsolete

WAM Wide Area Mines (US)

WAPC Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier (Canada)

WASAD Wide Angle Surveillance and Automatic Detection Device

WAV Wide Angle Viewing

WAVES Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (USN); obsolete

WES Wing Engineer Squadron (USMC)

WFOV Wide Field Of View

WFSV Wheeled Fire Support Vehicle (Canada)

WHA Weapons Head Assembly

WHSA Weapons Head Support Assembly

WLR Weapon Locating Radar

WM Woman/Women Marine(s)

WMD Weapon(s) of Mass Destruction

WMRV Wheeled Maintenance and Recovery Vehicle (Canada)

WP white phosphorus

WP-T white phosphorus - tracer

WSM Winchester Short Magnum

WTS Wing Transportation Squadron (USMC)


XO Executive Officer


YMRS Yugoslav multiple rocket system





See also

List of established military terms

List of military tactics


Armor and Artillery Glossary

Infantry Weapons Glossary

FM 17-97 Cavalry Troop (October 1995)

Military abbreviations and Dictionaries

Military acronyms and military abbreviations

Categories: Military equipment | Military lists | Military terminology

Lexus Link

China Product
China Product


The first-generation Lexus Link system was a private-labeled brand of OnStar, operating on Verizon Wireless cellular network, available as a factory-installed option on the following vehicles in Model Years 2001-04: LS 430 ('01-'04), GX 470 ('03-'04), LX 470 ('03-'04), SC 430 ('03-'04) and RX 330 ('04). The first-generation system was analog-only and is no longer operational.

The second-generation Lexus Link system was launched October 2005 as a private-label brand of OEM Telematics Services, available as a factory-installed option on MY 2006 and later LX, GX (vehicles produced October 1, 2005 and later) and MY 2007 and later LX, GX, LS, GS vehicles and uses dual-mode (digital/analog) technology operating on Verizon Wireless cellular network.[citation needed] range extender antenna

The differences between the first- and second-generation systems are as follows: thor alarm

Item gsm car alarm system

2nd Generation Lexus Link

1st Generation Lexus Link

System Diagram

Bus buffer not listed

Bus buffer listed

Cellular Network Infrastructure

Digital (CDMA) / Analog

Analog only

Voice Recognition

Available (English Only)

Not available

Voice Prompt Language Selection

English, some Spanish


Automatic Theft Notification

Not available


Remote Horn and Lights


Not available

Memo Record

Not available


Advisor Record


Not available

Personal Calling


Not available

Advanced Services


Not available

Backup Battery

Non-rechargeable Type

Rechargeable Type


LED Only

LED and Voice Prompt


Lexus Link is offered in the continental U.S and Alaska. Different service packages are offered to customers. While safety and security are the main purpose of the Lexus Link system, further services include driving directions, information assistance, traffic, weather, stock quotes, or Personal Calling. Depending on service package, potential services include:

Service Name

Service Description

Airbag Deployment Notification

In the event of an airbag deployment, an automatic call is made to Lexus Link call center for assistance.

Stolen Vehicle Location

If a vehicle is reported stolen, Lexus Link Advisor can work with law enforcement to determine its location.

Emergency Services Notification

Priority call to Lexus Link call center for assistance.

Roadside Assistance

Lexus Link Advisor will provide vehicle location to Lexus Roadside Assistance.

Remote Door Lock/Unlock

By calling Lexus Link toll-free number, an Advisor can lock/unlock the vehicle doors.

Remote Horn and Lights

By calling Lexus Link toll-free number, an Advisor can flash the lights and sound the vehicle horn.

Accident Assist

An Advisor can walk driver through a checklist after an accident.

Driving Directions

Lexus Link call center can verbally provide driving directions.

Information / Convenience Services

A Lexus Link Advisor can locate and contact businesses from a national database.

Ride Assist

Lexus Link can arrange alternative transportation on subscriber behalf.

Analog Sunset

Due to the growth and acceptance of digital cellular systems, many cellular carriers have abandoned analog coverage in favor of digital service. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ruled that cellular telephone companies operating in the United States are no longer required to provide analog service after February 2008. As a result, beginning January 1, 2008, Lexus Link service in the U.S. and Canada will only be available through vehicles equipped with dual-mode (analog/digital) equipment.

Since the first-generation Lexus Link system uses analog cellular technology and cannot be modified to digital operation, Lexus offered disable the Lexus Link system and remove the button panel from the vehicle at no cost for owners of model year 20012004 vehicles.

See also

Advanced Automatic Collision Notification

BMW Assist

Dashtop mobile

GPS tracking






^ FCC Report and Order 67 FR 77191, Dec. 17, 2002, as amended at 69 FR 18803, Apr. 9, 2004

^ Lexus Link Services

^ Upcoming changes to First-Generation Lexus Link Service

External links

v  d  e


GM OnStar  Ford RESCU & VEMS/Ford SYNC  Kia UVO  Lexus Link & Lexus Enform/Toyota Safety Connect & Lexus G-Link/Toyota G-Book & Lexus Remote Touch  AcuraLink/Honda InterNavi  Nissan CarWings  BMW Assist  Mercedes-Benz TeleAid & Command  Volvo OnCall

v  d  e


Current vehicles

IS 250/350  IS 250 C/350 C  IS F  HS 250h  ES 350  GS 350/460  GS 450h  LS 460/460 L  LS 600h/600h L  RX 350  RX 450h  GX 460  LX 570  SC 430  EU/GCC/SE Asia (IS 220d/300  IS 300 C  ES 240  GS 300)

Past vehicles

IS 200/300/SportCross  ES 250/300/330  GS 300/400/430  LS 400/430  RX 300/330   RX 400h  GX 470  LX 450/470  SC 300/400

Future vehicles


Concept vehicles

LF Series (LF-A  LF-AR   LF-C  LF-Ch  LF-S  LF-Sh  LF-X  LF-Xh)  Salone Milano (Evolving Fiber  Invisible Garden  Elastic Diamond  Crystallised Wind)  2054  HB  IS 430  IS F CCS  LS ITS-Safety  SC 430 CH  FLV  HPS  HPX  SLV  Landau


F marque  F-Sport  Lexus Grand-Am (Rolex 24)  Super GT IS 350 (GT300)  Super GT SC 430 (GT500)  Team Lexus  Team LFA


Active Power Stabilizer Suspension System (APSSS)  Advanced Parking Guidance System (APGS)  Driver Monitoring System  Electronically Controlled Brake (ECB)  G-Link  Intelligent Parking Assist (IPAS)  Kinetic Dynamic Suspension System (KDSS)  Lexus Enform  Lexus Hybrid Drive  Lexus Link  Pre-Collision System (PCS)  Remote Touch  Safety Connect  Sport Direct Shift Transmission (SPDS)  VVT-iE  Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management (VDIM)

Key people

Founder (Eiji Toyoda)   Chief engineers (Ichiro Suzuki  Haruhiko Tanahashi  Yukihiko Yaguchi)

See also

Lexus road vehicle timeline  List of Lexus vehicles  List of Lexus LS awards  L-finesse  L-Select  Tahara plant  The Pursuit of Perfection  A division of Toyota Motor Corporation  (Cars  Category  Commons)

Categories: Lexus | GPS | Automotive safety technologies | Crime prevention | Automotive technology tradenamesHidden categories: All articles with unsourced statements | Articles with unsourced statements from October 2008

Upholstery hammer

China Product
China Product

Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (December 2009) duck feather and down

An upholstery hammer (also called a tack hammer) is a lightweight hammer used for securing upholstery fabric to furniture frames using tacks or small nails. duck feather down

Usually, one face of the hammer is magnetized to aid in placement of tacks. Once started, the tacks are driven with the other face. To apply tacks rapidly an upholsterer will hold tacks in the mouth and spit them onto the magnetized face of the hammer. duck down feather

Staple guns have largely replaced tacking as an upholstery technique.

v  d  e

Types of tools

Cutting tools

Blade  Bolt cutter  Broach  Ceramic tile cutter  Chisel  Coping saw  Countersink  Diamond blade  Diamond tool  Drill bit  Endmill  File  Fretsaw  Froe  Glass cutter  Grater  Hacksaw  Hand saw  Knife  Milling cutter  Miter saw  Pipecutter  Plane  Razor  Reamer  Saw  Scalpel  Scissors  Slasher  Surform  Switchblade  Tap and die  Tool bit  Utility knife  Water jet cutter  Wire cutter  Wire stripper

Garden tools

Adze  Axe  Billhook  Bow saw  Cultivator  Earth auger  Edger  Garden fork  Garden hose  Garden trowel  Hedge trimmer  Hoe  Hori hori  Irrigation sprinkler  Lawn aerator  Lawn mower  Lawn sweeper  Leaf blower  Loppers  Machete  Mattock  Pickaxe  Pitchfork  Plough (plow)  Post hole digger  Pruning shears (secateurs)  Rake  Roller  Rotary tiller  Scythe  Sickle  Spade  Splitting maul  String trimmer

Hand tools

Block plane  BNC inserter/remover  Brace  Bradawl  Breaker bar  Broom  Brush  Card scraper  Caulking gun  Clamp  Crimping pliers  Crowbar  Fish tape  Hammer  Hawk  Hex key  Locking pliers  Mallet  Miter box  Nut driver  Pipe wrench  Pliers  Punch  Punch down tool  Putty knife  Ratchet  Scratch awl  Screwdriver  Sledgehammer   Sponge  Squeegee  Staple gun  Stitching awl  Torque wrench  Trowel  Upholstery hammer  Wrench (spanner)

Machine tools

Broaching machine  Drill press  Gear shaper  Grinding machine  Hobbing machine  Jig borer  Lathe  Metalworking lathe  Milling machine  Planer  Screw machine  Shaper  Turret lathe

Power tools

Angle grinder  Band saw  Belt sander  Blow torch  Chainsaw  Chop saw  Circular saw  Concrete saw  Crusher  Cutting torch  Die grinder  Drill  Glue gun  Grinding machine  Heat gun  Impact wrench  Jigsaw  Jointer  Nail gun  Radial arm saw  Random orbital sander  Reciprocating saw  Rotary tool  Router table  Sander  Scroll saw  Soldering gun  Soldering iron  Steam box  Table saw  Thickness planer  Welding  Wood router  Wood shaper

Measuring &

Alignment tools

Caliper  Jig  Micrometer  Pencil  Plumb-bob  Ruler  Sliding T bevel  Spirit level  Square  Tape measure


Antique tools  Halligan bar  Kelly tool  Ladder  Thau claw  Toolbox  Vise  Workbench

Categories: Hammers | Woodworking hand tools | Hand toolsHidden categories: Articles lacking sources from December 2009 | All articles lacking sources | Orphaned articles from December 2009 | All orphaned articles

Give It 2 Me

China Product
China Product

Writing and inspiration

"Give It 2 Me" was written by Madonna and Pharrell Williams as a self-empowerment song. Ingrid Sischy from Interview magazine asked Madonna, whether the song had the ability to become a party anthem in Ibiza. Madonna responded that she liked the idea of everybody dancing to "Give It 2 Me", by treating it as a party anthem. When asked about the inspiration behind the song, Madonna said,

"It's ['Give It 2 Me'] very anthemic. I basically wrote it so I could have a great time doing it in a stadium. The words are very autobiographical. 'Got no boundaries, got no limits. [...] Don't stop me now. [...] If it's against the law, arrest me.' [...] Yes, that's me. It's the provocative me. The boring, predictable me." leather watch winders

In an interview with MTV Australia, Madonna explained that a prominent theme of the Hard Candy album, was about incorporating the image of a boxer, an idea which has been continuously repeated within the song. According to her, "['Give It 2 Me'] is basically you know I'm not you know, give me all you got, so it's quite a sort of tough stance". The title of the song was initially decided by Madonna, to be used as the main title, for the then unnamed album. This was changed following the release of a similar named song by Timbaland. compact luggage cart

Music and lyrics platform hand truck

"Give It 2 Me"

A 22 second sample from Madonna's "Give It 2 Me" which features the chorus, backed by a synthesized musical arrangement and cowbells.

Problems listening to this file? See media help.

"Give It 2 Me" is an upbeat dance song, which, according to The Sun, features a "bouncy beat" and Williams' trademark funky sound. Rolling Stone said that the song has a club-like synth arrangement with a hip hop "feel to it". Entertainment Weekly felt that the hip-hop feel is brought about by the use of snare drums. According to the sheet music published at by Alfred Publishing, the song is set in the time signature of common time, with a moderate groove tempo of 120 beats per minute. It is composed in the key of G# minor, with Madonna's vocal range spanning from G3 to C5. The song has a basic sequence of Ebbdbbb as its chord progression. "Give It 2 Me" starts with an offbeat rhythm and is accompanied by the sound of West African percussion. The song builds into a crescendo as Madonna sings the line, "If it's against the law, arrest me, if you can handle it, undress me". This is followed by synthesized musical arrangement, as Madonna starts singing the line, "When the lights go down and there's no one left, I can go on and on and on." According to The Village Voice, the song contains elements of the work of Nile Rodgers.

"Give It 2 Me" is written as a self-manifesto song. Lyrically, though the song appears to be about dancing and sex, in reality Madonna uses sarcasm to emphasize the longevity of her career. The lyrics explain that she does not want to retire from her career at that moment and possesses the ability to continue, as noted in the lines "Don't stop me now, no need to catch my breath, I can go on and on and on."

Critical reception

"Give It 2 Me" generally received positive critical reviews. Elysa Gardner from USA Today called the song "thumping" and "breathless", naming it one of the standout tracks of the album. Caryn Ganz of Rolling Stone described "Give It 2 Me" as a "thumpy self-empowerment anthem". listed it as one of the top tracks on Hard Candy, and called it a "wonderful, fun Madonna song to dance to". Mark Beech from Bloomberg Television complimented the track's "insidious beats". Sal Cinquemani of Slant Magazine called it "a little careerism on the dance floor", for the line "Give me a record and I'll break it". However she criticised the "Get stupid" interlude, calling it "plain stupid". Jon Pareles from The New York Times, and Alexis Petridis of The Guardian, compared the song with Rick James' "Super Freak" (1981). Mark Savage from BBC described the song as "one of the [Hard Candy] record's few out-and-out pop moments, featuring a cute, bouncy beat, and a sense of humour that has been missing from Madonna's music since her Dick Tracy days."

While reviewing Hard Candy, Chris Williams from Entertainment Weekly complemented the song, saying that with "tunes like 'Give It 2 Me' [Madonna's] unabashedly reviving the celebrative spirit of early singles like 'Lucky Star' and 'Holiday' filtering it through hip-hop's sonic boom." He also called it the most exciting club banger. Joan Anderman of The Boston Globe said that the song "thumps relentlessly, euphorically, to the rhythm of a clanking virtual cowbell and freaky bass." Joey Guerra from Houston Chronicle complimented the "furious house grooves and thundering beats" of the song. "Give It 2 Me" was compared by Miles Marshall Lewis of The Village Voice, to the earlier Madonna song "Material Girl", and the music of producer Nile Rodgers. Pete Paphides of The Times noted how differential Madonna sounded in songs like "Give It 2 Me", "Dance 2Night" and "She's Not Me" from the Hard Candy album. The song received a negative feedback from Thomas Hauner of PopMatters, who said that "[the] West-African inspired percussion bridgeirdropped onto the album and randomly landing at this pointompletely disrupts the song full potential."

Chart performance

Madonna performing "Give It 2 Me" on the Sticky & Sweet Tour

In the United States, before its official release as a single, "Give It 2 Me" debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 at number fifty-seven, becoming the highest debut, but dropped off the chart the following week. This debut was due to digital sales only, and it debuted on the Hot Digital Songs chart at number twenty-one and at forty-one on the Pop 100 chart. The song did not gain airplay upon its release to radio. It topped the Billboard Hot Dance Airplay as well as the Hot Dance Club Play charts; it became Madonna's thirty-ninth number-one single on the latter chart. Before it was officially released in Canada, the single debuted and peaked at number eight on the Canadian Hot 100 chart and became the week's highest debut. The single fluctuated on the chart for the next few weeks, but could not top its debut peak of eight. It was present for a total of twenty weeks on the chart.

"Give It 2 Me" entered the UK Singles Chart at number seventy-three, but fell off the chart the following week. It re-entered at number thirty-six, and ultimately peaked at number seven. The song remained on the chart for nineteen weeks. In Australia, the song debuted at number twenty-three, before descending off the chart. In the Netherlands, the single debuted on the Dutch Top 40 chart at number nineteen. In its fourth week, the song rose to number one, and spent six weeks at the top. In August, "Give It 2 Me" debuted at number one on Spanish Singles Chart and spent four weeks atop the chart. "Give It 2 Me" also peaked within the top ten of the official charts of Austria, Belgium (Flanders and Wallonia), Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Slovak Republic and Switzerland.

Music video

Madonna and Pharrell Williams, in the music video for "Give It 2 Me"

The music video was filmed on April 3, 2008, at the Sunbeam Studios in London, co-directed by fashion photographer Tom Munro and Nathan Rissman. The video was shot during Madonna's photo shoot with Elle magazine, for its May Cover Girl issue. Madonna's retro-chic look in the video was inspired by the photoshoot. The video featured a guest appearance from rapper Pharrell Williams; he was portrayed alongside Madonna, singing to the camera in front of various backdrops. Madonna wore thigh-high PVC boots, visible underwear and sheer tops in the video. The dresses were designed by several fashion brands, including Chanel and Roberto Cavalli.

The video begins with Madonna stretching in front of a wall-mirror, while traffic noise is heard. During the first verse, Madonna is shown in a chic Chanel black dress with retro makeup. As the bridge of the song builds up, she is shown dancing in front of a white screen, wearing a French cap, and standing on a sofa. When the chorus of the song plays, she dances while holding an archlight, and fondles with long black fur. The second verse shows Madonna and Williams trading shots, with Williams wearing sunglasses in some scenes. At the "Get stupid" interlude, Williams is shown dragging a bag along the floor behind Madonna, thus portraying that he is stupid. The video concludes, with an exhausted Madonna, falling asleep on the studio floor.

The Daily Mail called the video "kinky" and felt that "[Madonna] has no plans to tone down her racy image." MTV said that the essence of the video was Madonna's 1990 compilation album, whose inline pictures featured her in bejewelled costumes. The beat was compared to the Madonna song "Like a Virgin" (1984), while the black and white footage and the mod-burlesque feel was compared to "Vogue" (1990). According to MTV, elements from Madonna's 2006 Confessions Tour, was included in the dance choreography. They added that "she thrown in some new [choreography], an extended cameo by Pharrell and enough jewelry to give Mr. T an inferiority complex." Bill Lamb of, complimented on Madonna's "stunning" body in the video, although she had turned 50 in the summer of 2008. He added that the video emphasized Madonna's "amazing staying power as one of the world's top pop stars for 25 years." However, Eric Wilson from The New York Times noted that the video did not yield a breakout Madonna look, unlike her music videos from the 1980s or 1990s era.

Live performance

Madonna performing "Give It 2 Me" on the Sticky & Sweet Tour

The song was performed during the promotional tour for the Hard Candy album, and the 20082009 Sticky & Sweet Tour; both performances were similar. In the promotional tour, "Give It 2 Me" was performed as the fifth song of the setlist. Madonna wore a shiny black dress with black tails, Adidas track pants and high-heeled, lace-up boots. Every time the chorus was played, Madonna and her back-up dancers jumped up and down, while putting up their hands in the air. The performance was backed by laser lights in the background and two movable screens, which displayed Williams, performing his lines.

In the Sticky & Sweet Tour, "Give It 2 Me" was performed as the closing song of the "Futuristic rave with Japanese influence" section. It was mixed with Peter Rauhofer's remix of the Funky Green Dogs song "Fired Up!". During the last segment of the show, Madonna wore a futuristic robotic dress, designed by Heatherette, with plates on her shoulder and a wig with long curled hair. She opened the breastplate she wore during the performance of "Hung Up", and started the final performance of the tour, by singing "Give It 2 Me". Parts of the lyrics of the song flashed on the screens in the style of a shooter video game, featuring 1980s games like Space Invaders and Asteroids. Gradually, more and more dancers joined Madonna, and together they started jumping on stage. Williams appeared on the screens to sing his lines. He made a special guest appearance, for the performances of "Give It 2 Me", at the Madison Square Garden stop of the tour. Near the end of the performance, Madonna asked the crowd to sing along with her while she shouted, "No one is ever going to stop me". The performance ended with video backdrops showing Madonna's sweaty, unsmiling, exhausted face, as she disappeared behind the reformed cubicle-shaped screens, which showed the words, 'Game Over', and "Holiday" started playing in the background.

Track listings


"Give It 2 Me" (Album Version) 4:47

"Give It 2 Me" (Oakenfold Extended Mix) 7:08


"Give It 2 Me" (Album Version) 4:47

"Give It 2 Me" (Oakenfold Drums In) 5:45

"Give It 2 Me" (Eddie Amador House Lovers Remix) 7:56

U.S. / EU maxi-single

"Give It 2 Me" (Fedde Le Grand Remix) 6:40

"Give It 2 Me" (Oakenfold Extended Remix) 6:59

"Give It 2 Me" (Oakenfold Drums In Mix) 5:44

"Give It 2 Me" (Eddie Amador Club) 11:05

"Give It 2 Me" (Eddie Amador House Lovers Remix) 7:52

"Give It 2 Me" (Tong & Spoon Wonderland Mix) 7:35

"Give It 2 Me" (Jody den Broeder Club) 9:33

"Give It 2 Me" (Sly and Robbie Bongo Mix) 4:54

U.S. 12" Picture Disc

Give It 2 Me (Album Version) 4:47

Give It 2 Me (Eddie Amador House Lovers Mix) 7:52

U.S. 7" vinyl

Give It 2 Me (Edit) 4:32

Give It 2 Me (Eddie Amador House Lovers Edit) 7:52

U.S. two-track promotional CD

"Give It 2 Me" (Album Version) 4:47

"Give It 2 Me" (Edit) 4:02

U.S. two-disc promotional set

Disc 1

"Give It 2 Me" (Eddie Amador Club Mix) 11:05

"Give It 2 Me" (Eddie Amador Club 7 Edit) 7:18

"Give It 2 Me" (Eddie Amador Club 5 Edit) 4:56

"Give It 2 Me" (Eddie Amador Dub) 10:37

"Give It 2 Me" (Eddie Amador Dub 7 Edit) 7:26

"Give It 2 Me" (Eddie Amador Houselover Mix) 7:52

"Give It 2 Me" (Eddie Amador Houselover 5 Edit) 4:50

Disc 2

"Give It 2 Me" (Jody Club Mix) 9:29

"Give It 2 Me" (Jody Club 7 Edit) 7:25

"Give It 2 Me" (Jody Dub) 9:57

"Give It 2 Me" (Jody Edit) 4:07

"Give It 2 Me" (Jody Edit TV) 4:08

"Give It 2 Me" (Oakenfold Remix) 5:46

"Give It 2 Me" (Oakenfold Dub) 6:14

"Give It 2 Me" (Oakenfold Extended) 6:59

"Give It 2 Me" (Oakenfold Drums In Mix) 5:54

Credits and personnel

Madonna writer, co-producer, vocals

Pharrell Williams writer, additional vocals

The Neptunes producer

Mark "Spike" Stent audio mixing

Andrew Coleman mixing consoles


Chart (2008)



Australian Singles Chart


Austrian Top 75


Belgian Singles Chart (Flanders)


Belgian Singles Chart (Wallonia)


Canadian Hot 100


Czech Airplay Chart


Danish Singles Chart


Dutch Top 40


Finnish Singles Chart


French Singles Chart


German Singles Chart


Irish Singles Chart


Italian Singles Chart


Norway Singles Chart


Slovak Airplay Chart


Spanish Singles Chart


Swedish Singles Chart


Swiss Singles Chart


UK Singles Chart


U.S. Billboard Hot 100


Preceded by

"Can You Hear Me" by Enrique Iglesias

Dutch Top 40 number-one single

July 19, 2008 August 23, 2008

Succeeded by

"Stop de Tijd" by Marco Borsato

Preceded by

"When I Grow Up" by Pussycat Dolls

U.S. Billboard Hot Dance Club Play number-one single

August 9, 2008 August 16, 2008

Succeeded by

"Give Peace a Chance" by Ono

Preceded by

"Pocketful of Sunshine" by Natasha Bedingfield

U.S. Billboard Hot Dance Airplay number-one single

July 12, 2008 July 19, 2008

Succeeded by

"We Break the Dawn" by Michelle Williams

Preceded by

"Shine On" by RIO

Trkiye Top 20 number-one single

July 19, 2008 August 23, 2008

Succeeded by

"Disturbia" by Rihanna

Preceded by

"Amor Y Lujo" by Mnica Naranjo

Spanish Singles Chart number-one single

August 24, 2008 September 14, 2009

Succeeded by

"Hypnagogic States" by The Cure

Preceded by

"Shine On" by RIO

Romanian Top 100 number-one single

October 22, 2008 October 29, 2008

Succeeded by

"I Love My People" by Eddy Wata

Release history




United States

Digital download

April 29, 2008

CD single

July 15, 2008

United Kingdom

CD single

July 14, 2008


^ Harris, Chris (2008-12-04). "Lil Wayne, Coldplay Lead Grammy Nominations". MTV (MTV Networks). Retrieved 2009-04-27. 

^ "51st Grammy Awards, performers, nominations, winners". National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. Retrieved 2009-04-27. 

^ a b Sischy, Ingrid (2008-04-21). "Madonna: the one and only, on her life unchained". Interview magazine. CNET Networks, Inc.. Retrieved 2008-08-21. 

^ Vena, Jocelyn (2008-03-13). "Madonna Talks Filth, Wisdom And Confectionary". MTV (MTV Networks). Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ a b Xenergy, DJ (2008-04-28). "Madonna 'Hard Candy'". The New York Times Company. Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ Reporter, Sun (2008-03-10). "Madonna fans: I've got Candy". The Sun (News International). Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ a b Ganz, Caryn (2008-05-01). "Madonna: Hard Candy: Review". Rolling Stone (Jann Wenner). Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ a b Williams, Chris (2008-04-18). "Madonna: Hard Candy (2008)". Entertainment Weekly (Time Inc.).,,20192427,00.html. Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ a b c Lewis, Miles Marshall (2008-05-06). "A half-centenarian provides more porny pop excellence". The Village Voice (New Times Media). Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ a b c "Madonna Give It 2 Me Digital sheet music". Alfred Publishing. 

^ a b Hauner, Thomas (2008-04-08). "Madonna Hard Candy". PopMatters Sarah Zupko. Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ a b Savage, Mark (2008-04-08). "Review: Madonna's Hard Candy". BBC (BBC Online). Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ a b Beech, Mark (2008-04-29). "Madonna Gets Down and Dirty at Disco for Midlife CD". Bloomberg Television. Bloomberg L.P.. Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ a b Pareles, Jon (2008-04-27). "Material Woman, Restoring Her Brand". The New York Times (Times Publishing Company). Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ Norris, John (2008-05-06). "Madonna Talks About Turning 50 Sort Of". MTV (MTV Networks). Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ Gardner, Elysa (2008-04-28). "Listen Up: Get into the groove with Madonna's 'Hard Candy'". USA Today (Gannett Company). Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ Cinquemani, Sal (2008-04-23). "Madonna: Hard Candy". Slant Magazine. Retrieved 2008-08-16. 

^ Petridis, Alexis (2008-04-25). "Madonna, Hard Candy". The Guardian (Guardian News and Media). Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ Anderman, Joan (2008-04-27). "On her 11th CD, Madonna still has control issues". The Boston Globe (The New York Times Company). Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ Guerra, Joey (2008-04-28). "Big-name help, production mostly a success". Houston Chronicle (Hearst Corporation). Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ Paphides, Pete (2008-04-08). "Madonna: Hard Candy". The Times (London: News Corporation). Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ a b c "Billboard Hot 100". Billboard (New York: Nielsen Business Media, Inc) 120 (20): 108. 2008-05-17. ISSN 0006-2510. Retrieved 2009-07-23. 

^ Caulfield, Keith (2008-11-30). "Ask Billboard: Madonna, RIAA Certifications, AC/DC". Billboard (Nielsen Business Media, Inc.). Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ "Billboard Hot Dance Club Play". Billboard (New York: Nielsen Business Media, Inc) 120 (32): 64. 2008-08-09. ISSN 0006-2510. Retrieved 2009-07-23. 

^ "Billboard Hot Dance Airplay". Billboard (New York: Nielsen Business Media, Inc) 120 (28): 52. 2008-07-08. ISSN 0006-2510. Retrieved 2009-07-23. 

^ a b "Canadian Hot 100". Billboard. 2008-05-17. Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ "Canadian Hot 100". Billboard. 2008-10-11. Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ "UK Singles Chart". The Official Charts Company. 2008-05-04. Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ "UK Singles Chart". The Official Charts Company. 2008-06-15. Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ a b "UK Singles Chart". The Official Charts Company. 2008-06-15. Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ "UK Singles Chart". The Official Charts Company. 2008-10-07. Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ a b "ARIA Singles Chart". Australian Recording Industry Association. 2008-06-07. Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ "Dutch Top 40". MegaCharts. 2008-06-20. Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ a b "Dutch Top 40". MegaCharts. 2008-07-19. Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ "Give It 2 Me on world charts". Retrieved 2009-06-02. 

^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t "Madonna Give It 2 Me (Chanson)". Ultratop 50. Hung Medien. Retrieved 2009-04-24. 

^ a b "RADIO TOP100 Oficiln Madonna Give It 2 Me Czech Republic". International Federation of the Phonographic Industry. 2008-09-08. Retrieved 2009-07-29. 

^ a b "Chartverfurlong > Madonna > Give It 2 Me". Media Control Charts. Retrieved 2009-08-27. 

^ a b "Madonna singles positions Ireland". Irish Recorded Music Association. Hung Medien. 2008. Retrieved 2009-08-27. 

^ a b "RADIO TOP100 Oficiln Madonna Give It 2 Me Slovak Republic". International Federation of the Phonographic Industry. 2008-07-08. Retrieved 2009-07-29. 

^ Doonan, Simon (2008-03-31). "Force Of Nature". Elle. Hachette Filipacchi Mdias. Retrieved 2009-04-27. 

^ a b c d e Reporter, Daily Mail (2008-06-06). "Now mother-of-three Madonna cavorts around with Pharrell, 15 years her junior, for her new raunchy video". Daily Mail (Associated Newspapers). Retrieved 2009-04-27. 

^ a b Wilson, Eric (2008-06-17). "Who That Girl?". The New York Times (The New York Times Company). Retrieved 2009-04-27. 

^ Cultured, Pop (2008-06-11). "New Video: Madonna, ive It 2 Me". MTV. MTV Networks. Retrieved 2009-04-27. 

^ Lamb, Bill (2008-06-13). "Madonna Shows Off Serious Pop Star Moves in "Give It 2 Me" Video". The New York Times Company. Retrieved 2009-04-27. 

^ Rodman, Sarah (2008-04-30). "Madonna Opens Up "Candy" Shop". The Boston Globe (The New York Times Company). Retrieved 2009-04-26. 

^ Hawgood, Alex (2008-05-01). "Gonna Make You Sweat, Madonna at the Roseland Ballroom". The New York Times (The New York Times Company). Retrieved 2009-04-27. 

^ Bernstein, Jacob (2008-08-05). "Madonna's Costumes for Her Sticky and Sweet Tour". Women's Wear Daily. Advance Publications. Retrieved 2009-04-27. 

^ Slomowicz, Ron (2008-11-11). "Madonna's "Sticky and Sweet" Mashups". The New York Times Company. Retrieved 2009-04-27. 

^ Harris, Chris (2008-06-06). "Madonna's Gonna Dress Herself Up In Heatherette". MTV (MTV Networks). Retrieved 2009-04-27. 

^ a b c Pareles, Jon (2008-10-05). "Aerobic, Not Erotic: The Concert as Workout". The New York Times (The New York Times Company). Retrieved 2009-04-27. 

^ Hand, John (2008-10-12). "Rapper Williams joins Madonna gig". BBC (BBC Online). Retrieved 2009-04-27. 

^ Guerra, Joey (2008-11-17). "Madonna revs up Minute Maid crowd". Houston Chronicle (Hearst Corporation). Retrieved 2009-04-29. 

^ "Madonna Give It 2 Me digital download". iTunes. Retrieved 2009-06-02. 

^ "Billboard Discography Madonna Give It 2 Me". Billboard. Nielsen Business Media, Inc. Retrieved 2009-06-02. 

^ "Give It 2 Me audio CD". Retrieved 2009-06-02. 

External links

"Give It 2 Me" song lyrics and video at MTV

v  d  e

Madonna singles discography


"Everybody"   "Burning Up"   "Holiday"   "Lucky Star"   "Borderline"

Like a Virgin

"Like a Virgin"   "Material Girl"   "Angel"   "Into the Groove"   "Dress You Up"

True Blue

"Live to Tell"   "Papa Don't Preach"   "True Blue"   "Open Your Heart"   "La Isla Bonita"

Who's That Girl

"Who's That Girl"   "Causing a Commotion"   "The Look of Love"

You Can Dance


Like a Prayer

"Like a Prayer"   "Express Yourself"   "Cherish"   "Oh Father"   "Dear Jessie"   "Keep It Together"

I'm Breathless

"Vogue"   "Hanky Panky"

The Immaculate Collection

"Justify My Love"   "Rescue Me"


"Erotica"   "Deeper and Deeper"   "Bad Girl"   "Fever"   "Rain"   "Bye Bye Baby"

Bedtime Stories

"Secret"   "Take a Bow"   "Bedtime Story"   "Human Nature"

Something to Remember

"You'll See"   "One More Chance"   "Love Don't Live Here Anymore"


"You Must Love Me"   "Don't Cry for Me Argentina"   "Another Suitcase in Another Hall"

Ray of Light

"Frozen"   "Ray of Light"   "Drowned World/Substitute for Love"   "The Power of Good-Bye"   "Nothing Really Matters"


"Music"   "Don't Tell Me"   "What It Feels Like for a Girl"

American Life

"American Life"   "Hollywood"   "Nothing Fails"   "Love Profusion"

Confessions on a Dance Floor

"Hung Up"   "Sorry"   "Get Together"   "Jump"

Hard Candy

"4 Minutes"   "Give It 2 Me"   "Miles Away"


"Celebration"   "Revolver"

Other singles

"Crazy for You"   "Gambler"   "This Used to Be My Playground"   "I'll Remember"   "Beautiful Stranger"   "American Pie"   "Die Another Day"   "Me Against the Music"   "Hey You"   "Sing"

Other songs

"I Surrender Dear"   "Sooner or Later"   "I Want You"   "Thunderpuss GHV2 Megamix"   "Imagine"

Madonna portal

Categories: 2008 singles | Billboard Hot Dance Airplay number-one singles | Billboard Hot Dance Club Songs number-one singles | Madonna (entertainer) songs | Number-one singles in Romania | Number-one singles in Spain | Number-one singles in Turkey | Songs produced by The Neptunes | Songs written by Madonna (entertainer) | Songs written by Pharrell Williams