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Not to be confused with Fascia.
For other uses, see Fuchsia (disambiguation).
Fuchsia magellanica shoots withflowers (above) and fruits (below)
Scientific classification
About 100; see text
Flower of Fuchsia(Japan)
Fuchsia is a genus of flowering plants, mostly shrubs and can grow long shoots, which were identified by Charles Plumier in the late-17th century, and named by Plumier in 1703 after the German botanist Leonhart Fuchs (15011566).[1] The English name fuchsias is frequently misspelled "fuschias".
1 Description
2 Species
2.1 Section 1: Quelusia
2.2 Section 2: Eufuchsia
2.3 Section 2a: Ellobium
2.4 Section 3: Kierschlegeria
2.5 Section 4: Skinnera
2.6 Section 5: Hemsleyella
2.7 Section 6: Schufia
2.8 Section 6a: Jimenezia
2.9 Section 7: Encliandra
3 Cultivation
4 Pests and diseases
5 Pronunciation
6 History
7 Further information
8 Gallery
9 References
10 External links
There are about 100110 species of Fuchsia. The great majority are native to South America, but with a few occurring north through Central America to Mexico, and also several from New Zealand, and Tahiti. One species, Fuchsia magellanica, extends as far as the southern tip of South America occurring on Tierra del Fuego in the cool temperate zone, but the majority are tropical or subtropical. Most fuchsias are shrubs from 0.24 m (8 in-13 ft) tall, but one New Zealand species, Kotukutuku (Fuchsia excorticata), is unusual in the genus in being a tree, growing up to 1215 m (39-49 ft) tall.
Fuchsia leaves are opposite or in whorls of 35, simple lanceolate and usually have serrated margins (entire in some species), 125 cm long, and can be either deciduous or evergreen depending on the species. The flowers are very decorative pendulous "eardrop" shape, borne in profusion throughout the summer and autumn, and all year in tropical species. They have four long, slender, sepals and four shorter, broader, petals; in many species the sepals are bright red and the petals purple (colours that attract the hummingbirds that pollinate them), but the colours can vary from white to dark red, purple-blue, and orange. A few have yellowish tones, and recent hybrids have added the color white in various combinations. The ovary is inferior and the fruit is a small (525 mm) dark reddish green, deep red, or deep purple, edible epigynous berry containing numerous very small seeds. Many people describe the fruit as having a subtle grape flavor spiced with black pepper.
Felix Munz in his The Genus Fuchsia classified the genus into seven sections of 100 species. The majority of species, 94 of them, originate in Central and South America, West Indies, Haiti and Cuba. The other 6 species were found in New Zealand and Tahiti.
The vast majority of garden hybrids have descended from a few parent species.[2]
Section 1: Quelusia
Fuchsia regia
Species in this section have the nectary fused to the base of the hypanthium (tube). The hypanthium is cylinder shaped and is generally no longer than the sepals. The stamens are long and extend beyond the corolla (petals) (exserted).
Fuchsia alpestris
Fuchsia bracelinae
Fuchsia brevilobis
Fuchsia campos-portoi
Fuchsia coccinea
Fuchsia glazioviana
Fuchsia hatschbachii
Fuchsia magellanica
Fuchsia regia
Section 2: Eufuchsia
Eufuchsia is the largest section of fuchsias. Flowers are perfect with convolute petals erect stamens that may or may not project beyond the corolla, the stamens opposite the petals are shorter. The fruit has many seeds.
Fuchsia abrupta
Fuchsia andrei
Fuchsia asperifolia
Fuchsia aspaiziu
Fuchsia asplundii
Fuchsia austromontana
Fuchsia ayavacensis
Fuchsia boliviana
Fuchsia canescens
Fuchsia confertifolia
Fuchsia cordifolia
Fuchsia corymbiflora
Fuchsia cuatresasasii
Fuchsia decussata
Fuchsia denticulata
Fuchsia fischeri
Fuchsia fufuraceae
Fuchsia gehringeri
Fuchsia glaberrima
Fuchsia hartwegii
Fuchsia hirtella
Fuchsia hypoleuca
Fuchsia jahnii
Fuchsia Lehmanii
Fuchsia leptopoda
Fuchsia llewelynii
Fuchsia loxensis
Fuchsia macrophylla
Fuchsia macrostigma
Fuchsia magdalenae
Fuchsia matthewsii
Fuchsia munzii
Fuchsia osgoodii
Fuchsia ovalis
Fuchsia pallescens
Fuchsia petiolaris
Fuchsia pilosa...(and so on)
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